Villagran - Teach me 3

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Villagran - Teach me 3

Illustrator: Enrique Villagran
Publisher: SQP Inc.
Year of issue: 2007
Format: Softcover
Language: english
Sides number: 72
Dimensions: 280x215mm
"Three young and seemingly wholesome teachers do what they can to take care of their pupils, but school budgets being what they are, sometimes these ladies have to do much more for the student body! Artist/writer Enrique Villagran merrily trots back to school to learn a few more lessons concerning hands-on biology and hot-and-sticky 101! Third in the series, this professor of popular culture also tells the tale of two female students in search of forbidden romance, and a vacation to the tropics that turns out to be much steamier than was described by the travel agent! Mr. Villagran has a sly and rude sense of humor, and an eye for erotic detail second to none!"

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